Top Classroom Management Techniques

Over the past 5 years, I have tried lots of classroom management techniques that other teachers I know have used. Some worked for me and others didn’t pan out, but now I have 3 strategies that I value more than gold! I have used these strategies in 3 different grade levels and they have worked well in every class.


Classroom management technique | VIP Table

In our district, we use a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program that involves having a student of the day. This student is randomly drawn each day and is offered compliments from their classmates.


Each class might choose to do extra special things but the main idea is that every student gets a turn before a student can have their name drawn again. This is the exact opposite of how I use my beloved VIP desk. 


My students know that they have to EARN the opportunity to sit at the VIP desk all day. My VIP student might have been extra helpful, polite, kind, or sometimes they are awarded VIP for persevering through a difficult task. No matter what, the students work hard to show me that they can go above and beyond to earn it. Even the students who act “too cool” for the VIP desk take great pride in sliding down into it!


The students know that it can rotate through a small pool of students if they aren’t trying their best. Being chosen is very individualized, just because you hold the door for me every day doesn’t mean you get to be the VIP!


A game for the classroom | Magic Trash

Another classroom management strategy that I love is Magic Trash! It’s a game for the classroom! I announce that we are about to do Magic trash and the students start buzzing around the classroom to tidy up! Before I announce Magic Trash, I pick an object in my head that is out of place – so it could be actual trash, a chair, a misplaced book, etc. I don’t focus on the object because they are very clever and watch where your eyes move to.


When the classroom is tidied to my satisfaction, I tell them that someone found it. I let them know who was the lucky student to find the magic trash and then that student gets to pick a small class reward.


Top Classroom Management Techniques


Effective for behaviour management | Class Coupons

My classroom reward system is simple and very effective. Take a guess how much it costs me each week? NOTHING! I used to fill a box full of junky dollar store toys that the students would love… for about 8 seconds and then lose or break.


Now, I use class coupons. I made little laminated coupons that they earn and then use when they desire. Some coupons can be used instantly, 1 coupon to use a Flair pen. And some coupons need to be stacked, 3 coupons for 10 minutes of computer time.


I have other class coupons for choosing the GoNoodle song, reading in the hallway, lunch with the teacher, free time, pick your seat, etc. My students even gave me some suggestions of things that they would like to see and we added those in over the school year. 


All of these 3 classroom management techniques have helped my classroom run much smoother now that I implement them together. Every student I have taught has loved all 3 of these. I’m sure eventually I will have a student that won’t buy into it, but I haven’t come across them yet!


Do you use any of these classroom management strategies? Leave me a comment to tell me about them!


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Hi, I'm Shanna!

I’m a fifth and sixth grade combined class teacher at a rural elementary school. Math is my favourite subject to teach! I work hard to make sure that I teach more than the curriculum to my students. I focus on building a sense of classroom community and providing engaging activities for students. I bet I can help you with those things, too!