4 Things That I Can’t Teach Without!

Teaching during a pandemic is a little different than most school years. Here are 4 things that I can’t teach without this school year! My mask lanyard As a staff, we decided to try these mask lanyards out. They are great! I just clip my mask to it and when it’s an appropriate time to […]

Back to School Honesty

Teaching is not going to be easy for anyone this school year, maybe you can relate to the way that I’m feeling about it all.   I have been stressed and anxious about returning to school more than I honestly care to admit. I haven’t been sleeping, I’ve been grinding my teeth and having a […]

How to Build a Remotely Unforgettable Relationship with Your Students Virtually

Building unforgettable relationships with students is essential to starting the school year. Learn how to do that digitally here!   Going into the school year virtually will definitely put a damper on building unforgettable relationships with your kids. The 2020-2021 school year is definitely a unique one! After reading this post you will know exactly […]