How to Host a Halloween Class Party in 2020

No toilet paper mummy games, no handing out homemade cupcakes and definitely no bobbing for apples (gross!) but we can still make the best of it and have an enjoyable Halloween class party this year! Here’s how…

It’s not a party without treats!

Treats this year are actually easier than ever before for me! I always love to bake a special treat for my students but this year all treats must be purchased, pre-packaged and then handed out by the teacher. We have been provided with a budget and of course we need to follow allergy policies within our school. 


My students are actually going to be looking through our local grocery store flyers to plan and budget for our Halloween party. I will look over their plans and then actually buy those items for the party!

Spooky, Scary Skeletons!

Easy! Students love the song Spooky, Scary Skeleton – trap remix. One quick youtube search and we have an hour loop of the song! Or, you can just click here for the link! I don’t have this blasting or anything throughout the day, just quietly playing during activities that don’t require whole-class discussion. 



A little spooky competition

This year I will be buying the Costco pack of mini Play-Doh containers. Each student will be given 2 containers and told to create something Halloweeny at their desk. There will be prizes for: most spooky, most silly and fan favourite! After their creation is complete they will use their Chromebook to either take a picture or a 30-second clip of their creation using Flipgrid. We will watch these as a class and then cast our votes on a Google Form. 


If you don’t use Flipgrid yet, using it for a Halloween activity would be a great time to try it out! It’s easy to set up an account and very user-friendly! 



A little Halloween mystery

This year I will be purchasing a math escape room (review of multiplication) for my students. I think that they’ll be excited about solving the mystery and they can always use a good multiplication review! I will be purchasing Reagan’s Witches Cauldron Escape Room that you can print or use in Google Classroom! She has three different versions so you can pick the best fit for your students! 



Here are the links to Reagan’s escape rooms:

Multiplication Facts & Word Problems HALLOWEEN Digital ESCAPE ROOM


Multi-Digit Multiplication 4.NBT.5 HALLOWEEN Digital ESCAPE ROOM


Multi-Digit Multiplication 5.NBT.5 HALLOWEEN Digital ESCAPE ROOM


A few other Halloween class party ideas

The students beg for Kahoot! so we will probably do a Halloween themed Kahoot. I always read Franklin’s Halloween, my favourite Franklin book! And it wouldn’t be a party if I didn’t tell a few Halloween jokes – what is in a ghost’s nose? Boo-gers! 


I hope you enjoy your Halloween class party, even if it looks a little different this year! What are you most looking forward to?



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Hi, I'm Shanna!

I’m a fifth and sixth grade combined class teacher at a rural elementary school. Math is my favourite subject to teach! I work hard to make sure that I teach more than the curriculum to my students. I focus on building a sense of classroom community and providing engaging activities for students. I bet I can help you with those things, too!